i would like to wish all individuals and nations good luck in their battle for independence. “
March 7 (Bloomberg) — China plans to crack down on foreign performers after the Icelandic singer Bjork yelled “Tibet, Tibet” at the end of her concert in Shanghai this week, the Associated Press reported. Bjork’s comments “broke Chinese law and hurt Chinese people’s feelings,” the Culture Ministry said in a statement today, according to AP. The singer’s actions drew rare attention inside China to the government’s 58-year rule over the Himalayan region, AP said. China’s often harsh treatment of Tibet has drawn frequent condemnation from foreign governments and activists, the wire service said.
Many Tibetans consider the exiled Buddhist spiritual leader the Dalai Lama to be their rightful leader. The government statement, posted on the Culture Ministry’s Web site, also said “there is no country that admits that Tibet is an `independent country.”’ Bjork shouted “Tibet” after performing the song “Declare Independence” on March 2. The quirky singer, known for her odd outfits and unorthodox vocal stylings, has performed the song to support Kosovo and other independence movements in the past, AP said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Mark Schoifet in New York at
mschoifet@bloomberg.net / www.bloomberg.com