Red Bull Sound Clash: The Roots vs Antibalas!
Red Bull Sound Clash is a totally unique clash of sounds, styles and creativity, where two bands (The Roots and Antibalas) don’t battle each other, but instead collaborate to create an innovative live music performance. The Red Bull Sound Clash experience features two bands with different music styles facing off on two stages positioned on…
New Years Eve – Boston – The Goodlife
New Years Eve in Boston has a great selection of veteran DJ’s to enjoy and also one of the best venues in the city, GOODLIFE BAR DJ’s representing respected production teams such as Bassic, BreaksFM, Elements and of course an appearance by Monism’s own DJ Melee will be filling the air with sounds for the…
The Main Event – Tour – Crotched Mtn – New Hampshire
One of the only reasons why I still live in New England is the winters. As most people despise them and hibernate for the winter, to myself and others it turns into one big playground. I will say for the record, I am not a professional snowboarder, I do however love to get with some…
Resident Advisor Poll: Top 100 DJs of 2008
DJing: It’s an artform like few others, and one that too often goes underrecognized. DJs can transform a good party into a great one, and turn a previously solid night into a disaster. Sometimes they’ve even been rumoured to save lives. But while RA has contributors from around the world that have picked our site’s…