Chicago – RBMA Meetings 2009 – Day #2

Wednesday morning I woke up a bit cloudy from the evening before out drinking with Boston to Chicago transplant, Snatch. See Also: Michelle *love the chuck palahniuk references so i will use them from here on out* So after making my way back up from the gym in the hotel and sweating out the jagermeister…

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Chicago – RBMA Meetings 2009 – Day #1

My 2+ hour plane ride brought me to my very first visit to Chicago. I immediately hopped on the blue line and took the train downtown to my home for the next 3 days. After a few drinks upon arriving catching up with my friends from other cities in the US (and other countries) and…

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RISE Boston – February 6th 2009!

On February 6th 2009 we head back to RISE BOSTON to throw down on the main room. It’s been about a year or so and love hitting that system. If you’re interested in going hit me up for guestlist:…

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FTW @ The Goodlife for a good cause!

This Friday will be a benefit party for Lil’ Melissa and Jess who recently had a house fire this past November and were left with nothing. Thankfully, they were both fine. So to assist them in getting back on their feet, we are bringing everyone together this Friday. We hope you can make it out…

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